Helena Emard

Interests: Ice Sculpting, Art, Large-Scale Installations, Teaching

Helena Emard is a master ice sculptor known for her awe-inspiring, large-scale ice installations. She has a passion for pushing the limits of what can be done with ice as a medium and is dedicated to sharing her love for this unique art form with the wider community.

Articles By This Author

Creating a Cool Atmosphere: The Rising Trend of Ice Sculpture Fountains at Events
Ice Sculptures for Events Wedding Ice Sculptures

Creating a Cool Atmosphere: The Rising Trend of Ice Sculpture Fountains at Events

Explore the rising trend of ice sculpture fountains at events, a blend of cool elegance and technical brilliance. Learn about their creation, impact on atmosphere, and how they're stirring the event industry. Dive into the techniques, tools, and maintenance tips that make these icy masterpieces a breathtaking spectacle.

Transforming a Block of Ice: Inside an Ice Sculpting Class
Ice Sculpting Classes

Transforming a Block of Ice: Inside an Ice Sculpting Class

Immerse yourself in the captivating world of ice sculpting with our transformative class. Expect to unlock creativity, patience, and attention to detail as you learn about tools and techniques to transform a block of ice into a breathtaking masterpiece. This isn't just about crafting ice, it's about crafting self.

Exploring Ice Sculpting Competitions Around the World
Ice Sculpture Competitions Ice Sculpture Festivals

Exploring Ice Sculpting Competitions Around the World

Immerse yourself in the frosty allure of ice sculpting competitions worldwide. From the intricate preparation process to breathtaking winners, this post takes you on a global journey of this icy art form. Learn about tools, techniques and be inspired to join the ice sculpting community.